Did Full Tilt Pay Their Players

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In the early 2000s, online poker became the hottest thing on the internet. Sites like Paradise Poker and Planet Poker led the way, but it was Party Poker and PokerStars that really blew the doors right off and made the game a household name.

Many factors came together all at once to make this sport a global phenomenon; many will point to the hole-card camera and The Moneymaker Effect as the two real tipping points.

Did Full Tilt Pay Their Players Get

However, as important as these were, the fact that amateur players could face off against the best in the world made poker unique. Imagine walking onto a golf course and playing against Tiger Woods in a PGA event.

Impossible. In poker, your money is just as good as that of the pros, so it is a true equalizing sport; anyone can sit down and put their cash up against the best in the world.

Did Full Tilt Players Get Their Money Back

A few poker pros started wearing the logos of online sites – Phil Hellmuth and Annie Duke being the most prominent. In early 2003, a day trader by the name of Ray Bitar decided that there was still room for more competition in the space (there was), and he started putting together the plans for a site with poker professional Chris Ferguson, the 2000 World Series of Poker Champion.

As for Full Tilt players, in 2016 their wishes finally came true, with the Department of Justice ending their investigation and refunding money back to players who had balances. The process was a bit cumbersome (you had to remember your information and the best guess at the balance) but millions of dollars were returned to their rightful owners. Full Tilt Poker also continued making “loans” to its professional poker players who also owned an interest in the company, including loan payments totaling more than $2,000,000 to Player Owner. Full Tilt Poker's owners took out hundreds of millions of dollars in dividends over a multi-year period and didn't have enough money left to pay back their players when the Department of Justice swept in and brought their hammer down on the site.

The key to this site would be how it differentiated from the others.

Party Poker already had a global brand and market dominance due to its early entry into the space. PokerStars had Chris Moneymaker and the angle that any amateur could play on their site and become the next World Champion.

The two decided that their angle would be to use Ferguson’s contacts in the poker world to not only drum up investment, but also to create the face of the site.

In short order, a series of founders were in place, allegedly including an array of the who’s who of poker: Howard Lederer, Phil Ivey, Andy Bloch, Jennifer Harmon, and John Juanda to name only a few.

With this crew of well-known players and a new TV audience that was seeing them on their screens with regularity, Full Tilt Poker was launched in early 2004.

Did Full Tilt Pay Their Players Make


The launch was by no means soft; the company spent a significant amount of money plastering TV poker programs with their logos and sponsoring a long list of poker players to wear their clothing while in and out of the poker room. This aggression would be a key factor in the future of this business.

Did Full Tilt Pay Their Players Need

Not only did they stop all Full Tilt US traffic - Full Tilt Poker was shut down entirely and the company's assets were frozen. 11 individuals were charged for some combinations of money-laundering, bank fraud and online gambling offenses, including individuals from all the mentioned poker sites and some other individuals that helped these. The real beautiful game. It’s even more beautiful when you play it with Full Tilt. Sit down in the presence of the greats, like Texas Hold’em and Omaha.Play at lightning speed with Zoom, the fastest poker game in the world, or mix it up with one of our many other poker variants.Whatever way you like to play, be like thousands of other poker players all over the world and play harder.