Super Bowl Presidential Election

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Super Bowl Presidential Election 6,5/10 9543 reviews
There are many things in the United States that are major events. Football is
known as America’s sport and not only does it bring a crowd it also brings money
as well with the biggest event called the Super Bowl. Another major event in the
United States is the presidential election. Both of these events are totally
unpredictable. America would not be the same without these two major events,
because they not only bring in millions of fans but they also can be used to feed
information to the public. These two events are very similar to each other even
though they have many major differences.
The Super Bowl is the most well known American football game in the
world. This event is known not only for the intense football game, but also
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The Super Bowl is one of the most exciting
events in America and continues to grow in popularity because of the rising
intensity in the game. The Super Bowl has been around for over 50 years. Since the
Super Bowl brings in so many viewers companies pay millions of dollars just for a
commercial so that their company or product is broadcasted and is almost
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guaranteed to attract new customers. This game brings the best out of 32 teams
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Generally les people get involved with the presidential elections because
they despise politics. The Super Bowl is a big event in which many people host
parties and tailgate and celebrate their team made it to the Super Bowl. A major
difference in the two events is the kind of emotions they bring to people. The
Super Bowl typically brings emotions like happiness and excitement where as the
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presidential election brings on more of a mad and depressed state. Because the two
bring on those different kinds of emotions it typically causes people to act
differently. During the Super Bowl people typically get super drunk and have a
joyful fun time with their friends. Where as the election typically pisses people off
and causes them to protest or people try to change the results of the election by
claiming for recounts in states.
This year the presidential election causes many people to protest in the
streets because they wanted Hillary Clinton to win even though she is a criminal
and has killed people. This years Super Bowl has not occurred yet but the


Has A President Ever Attended The Super Bowl

More people in the United States watched the Super Bowl in 2008 than voted in the U.S. presidential election that year. About 148.3 million people in the U.S. watched at least some of Super Bowl XLII, and 133 million people voted in the election later that year. About 57 percent of people who were legally of the age to vote actually voted in the 2008 election, and 43 percent of U.S. households that had televisions watched the Super Bowl that year.

More facts about the Super Bowl and presidential elections:

Super Bowl Presidential Election

  • The number of people in the U.S. who watched the 2008 Super Bowl was a record, but the record has been broken by each Super Bowl since then. About 151.6 million people in the U.S. watched at least part of the Super Bowl in 2009, 153.4 million in 2010 and 162.9 million in 2011.

  • The 2008 election had a relatively low turnout rate in terms of the voting age population, but it wasn't the lowest turnout in recent history. The lowest voter turnout according to VAP since 1948 was the 2000 election, when George W. Bush was elected. Only about 51 percent of the VAP voted in that election.

  • Twenty-one of the top 45 network prime time broadcasts in U.S. television history have been Super Bowls. The top 20 in terms of total viewers are all Super Bowls.

Super Bowl And Presidential Election

The Super Bowl has long been a grandstand event for America over the years, but 2016 was taken over by one of the most emotionally-charged presidential elections in history. Fans at this point are. Super Bowl LV Total Points Scored -150; Joe Biden Approval Rating On Feb. 7 +110; BetOnline’s O/U for Super Bowl 55 is 56 points. Despite winning the most votes of any Presidential candidate in history, Biden is not likely to hit an approval rating of 56 (or anywhere near it) by Super Bowl.